Crap-OH-la #2

Crapohla™#2: "The Evil turd"

Intro Scene:

     A gurgling noise came from Tony Martinez's mouth as he was sitting on the toilet at the gas station.   "Man I had to shit!!"  He yelled at the top of his lungs at the closed, locked door.  Tony was an overweight Mexican man whom was traveling for business purposes.  He ate a heavy messy large burrito in the last town...and it was time for it to come out. "Yeeeaaarrrggghhhh" Tony  screamed as he was sitting on the toilet.  The pain was unbearable!  All of a sudden a brownish/green turd ripped out off his mouth!  It was humanoid much as a piece of shit can look humanoid.  It had arms, hands, legs and a face...and it smelled like shit.
     "I'm freeee!" The thing exclaimed in a raspy voice.  It landed on the ground on its belly on some torn toilet paper that was laying on the ground. "Yeeeuuucckkk" it said to itself as it stood up on its leg and peeled the paper of its belly "humans are nasty creatures..." It said while looking to the man that was on the toilet with the lifeless stare.

  Scene 1:

     "EXTRA, EXTRA...READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!" A teen boy yelled loudly trying to sell newspapers on the street corner next to the super market that Mike was working at the next day. "Man killed by poo in a gas station stall!!!" He continued as many people walked by and bought his newspaper.
     Mike Scott (the character from the beginning of Crap-OH-la #1) was walking by the newsstand after a hard day's work gathering carts in the parking lot for Jolly Mart all day and grabbed one of the newspapers.
     "I'll buy one of those." He stated to the newspaper boy and handed him the correct change.
     "Man!" Mike told himself aloud as he read the article in his head "...Sucks to be that dude."
     Mike was heading home for the day.  He didn't get paid until he couldn't really afford to go out tonight.  Not that he would anyhow...he didn't have many friends outside his girlfriend Dana except those on his friends list on Xbox live, and tonight was going to be a zombie shooter night with his Xbox friends.
     Mike finally reached his apartment building.  He knocked on Dana's apartment door, but she did not answer.  She must still be at work.  He continued up the stairs and unlocked his door.  He opened it and proceeded to enter his living room.
     "What is that horrid smell?" Mike said out loud to no one in particular.  He shrugged off the foul odor and went straight to his couch and videogames.

Scene 2:

     Meanwhile down Michael's street, Alex Morgan was walking down the street singing to herself.  Alex was a white blonde chick that just graduated from college.  She was a skinny chick that really took care of herself...she was hot.  Alex lived in a different apartment building in the same apartment complex as Michael did.  She enjoyed the many walkways and paths that the area had to offer.  That was her usual thing after a long day of classes from college.  Never once did she ever think she was in danger.  She would’ve freaked out if she noticed the small shadow following her….behind her.

Scene 3:

     Mike was tapping away with the zombie destroyer game, while drinking a bottle of Zombified beer.  Zombified beer was a new beer to hit the local scene.  It tasted like pure piss, but made you Zombified after several bottles.  An instant hit!  “Damn”  Mike yawned….”I wonder when Dana is going to be home?”  he asked himself.  Just as he was about to grab another beer, he heard a hissing sound…a hissing from the bathroom.  Mike got up and went to the bathroom.  “what the hell is that noise?”  he said aloud.
     Mike heard movement and more hissing noises coming from the shower.  He opened the shower curtain and saw and smelled the most horrifying thing imaginable…there laying in his tub was a humanoid turd.  “Hello…..Father…..”  It said in a raspy voice.

Crap-OH-la™#3: The Good Turd...

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